Something wicked this way comes…
A large print pdf of the program can be accessed here
On September the 4th QSE will release MACBETH IN THE DARK. A radio play version of Shakespeare’s great psychological tragedy Macbeth, a perfect play for our infected world.
This ambitious project brings together a cast of 10 actors playing over 25 different characters, original music, and the sound engineering wizardry of Dom Guilfoyle under the direction of Kate Wilson, to create a disturbing and unforgettable portrayal of the destructive power of human ambition.
With the title playing on both the technical term for a theatre that isn’t open and the play’s dark themes, you’re encouraged to listen by candlelight, in low lighting, or (if you’re really game!) in the dark.
Macbeth in the Dark is a full length production with a running time of 120 minutes. We believe in making theatrical accessible, especially during what is a challenging time for many. As such, we have chosen to release this on a pay-what-you-can basis. We invite you to consider what you could or would spend on an evening out.
From the Director: One thing that has resounded emphatically during the past 6 months of empty theatre foyers around the world is that you can’t keep performers down.They are gritty, flexible, driven creatures who will find a way to do what they do best. For our little company, the story of creating MACBETH IN THE DARK was one of discovery: how powerful creativity is once it gets unleashed and how ingenious human beings can be when challenged. We’ve tended it in the darkness and hope it brings light and warmth to yours. Kate Wilson
*QSE uses Gumroad as a secure third-party provider to distribute Macbeth in the Dark and other content